It's the time of year when you start thinking about all that you are thankful and grateful for, so I just want to take a brief moment and list some..
First I want to thank my (Graham) friends - our love of Harry Potter has brought us together and through that we have gotten to know one another - we have laughed & cried together and some of us have actually met in person. I love each and everyone of you and look forward to getting to know you all better in the coming years...
...then there are my work friends - we spend over 8 hours a day together - so glad that we have a fun place to come to :) ...
...I am so thankful for my boyfriend Glenn, thank you for everything you are and do... wonderful friend Ellen - where would I be without you? We have been through so much together, words just can't express how much you mean to me - thank you!
...and of course thanks to my family for always being there...
...there have been so many people over the years that have touched my life, so I want to take this moment to thank all you...
A friend of mine just posted on his blog one of the funniest Thanksgiving bits ever - the ill-fated WKRP Turkey Drop - here it is for those that remember it and for those too young to remember it -
Happy Thanksgiving and many thanks to all my friends around the world!
I don't know who Adriana is, put I thought I would go ahead and share her Cheer-Up Blog - Enjoy and go Dance away those blues....
I have always had a slight fear of heights – getting on a stepstool sometimes wigs me out. So I was in my boss's office this morning and look out the window to see a couple of guys hanging Christmas lights on the top of the Clocktower in downtown. I know this picture doesn't quite do it justice, but I work on the 25th floor and this is directly across from me, so you know it is high. No matter how tough the economy may get, I don't think I could ever do jobs like this that require being outside a building, while the wind is blowing no less. Just watching them gives me the heebe geebees…..
You can click here to see some other pictures of the clocktower.
This year more than any other time I can remember, everyone is really pushing for you and I to vote early. Now personally I think that this is an excellent idea – last time we had horrible lines in Denver (problems with the voting machines) and of course let's not forget the 'hanging chads' from Florida. However, in so doing we don't get our "I Voted Stickers". I know, this probably seems like a silly thing to worry about, but there is a sense of pride to come out of the voting booth, collect your "I Voted" sticker from the volunteer, and then wear it the rest of the day, especially if you vote first thing in the morning. Maybe I'm a nerd for feeling a little sad that I wasn't going to get one this year. So I did the next best thing – I actually went online and purchased a whole roll of stickers. The problem is that you can only get them in one quantity – 1000 – and I certainly don't need a thousand stickers, so I am offering them to anyone that asks for them. Just drop me a line and I'll send a few right off to you. Now – get out there and Vote!
This is a pretty funny PSA about talking to your parents about John McCain -
The website Partnership for a McCain-Free White House goes on to issue these warning signs:
1. Prefacing every sentence with "Lemme give you a little straight talk."
2. Arguing that it's crucially important for a president to be erratic and unstable.
3. Referring to the past 8 years of American history as "The Golden Age."
4. Saying things like, "Sarah Palin is a reasonable choice as VP."
5. Having trouble making eye contact.
6. Wandering and pacing aimlessly.
7. Disparaging Spain for no apparent reason.
8. Delusionally believing all people they meet are "[their] friends"—even though most people are kinda creeped out by them.
9. Being unable to accurately count the number of homes they own, cars they drive, or years the United States should remain in Iraq.
10. Putting a McCain-Palin yard sign in the front lawn.
I've just discovered this amazing website –, where teachers place 'ads' for their needs. We all know how stretched the resources for teachers are, especially in today's economic crisis. And yesterday was the start of the second philanthropic showdown,
"..Starting October 1, bloggers will compete to raise funds for, which lets donor's school projects to fund…"
This is a contest to raise money for classroom supplies and other things that help kids out. Go to Fortune blog for all the details. I've started my own Donor Page, so won't you click here or over there on the widget and help our teachers?